Delegates of Gräsöfonden


A board with representatives of local and regional interests manages Gräsöfonden. Östhammar’s municipality and the Upplandsstiftelsen respectively appoint the board representatives: seven members, each with their own personal substitute. Östhammar Municipality and the Upplandsstiftelsen shall be represented by two representatives each. The local interests must be represented by three members from associations or organizations with activities on Gräsö. The term of office for the board is four years, it begins on January 1th of the year following general elections.

The board is assisted by a working group, with the task of implementing the board’s decisions and contributing with constructive ideas. The working group is appointed by the board. Below and in the right column you can see who are board members and members of the working group.

Board Members of Gräsöfonden 2023-2026

Permanent members

Fabian Sjöberg (Östhammars kommun, M) – ordf.

Sören Bergqvist (Upplandsstiftelsen, V) – vice ordf.

Magnus Högström (LRF Börstil-Gräsö) – andre vice ordf.

Roger Jansson (Gräsö Skärgårdsråd)

Niklas Wahlund (Gräsö hembygdsförening)

Lisa Norén (Östhammars kommun, S)

Anders Kihl (Upplandsstiftelsen, KD)


Lars O Holmgren (Östhammars kommun, BOA)

Jenny Lundström (Upplandsstiftelsen, MP)

Henrik Manfredsson (LRF Börstil-Gräsö)

Agnetha Petersson (Gräsö Skärgårdsråd)

Louise Westerberg (Gräsö Turism)

Gunborg Fjellner (Östhammars kommun, V)

Jacob Spangenberg, (Upplandssstiftelsen, C)