Förskottsbetala din beställning via Swish (123 676 31 06) eller plusgiro (17 44 95-2). Märk betalningen med ditt namn och helst din adress.
Skolor/arbetsplatser kan få faktura. Gör din beställning och skicka sedan ett mail med fakturaadressen till info@upplandsstiftelsen.se .
Vi skickar din beställning när vi ser att din betalning har kommit in till oss.
In English: Please order your book or map here, by first marking the number of books/maps you want to order and then by clicking the ”skicka”-button. We are happy to have your payment in advance. We will send the map as soon as we have achieved your payment, but not more often than once a week during summer. If you pay from abroad our bank is called Nordea and we have IBAN SE94 3000 0000 0303 9180 7846, BIC NDEASESS. From Sweden you pay to ur PG 17 44 95-2.
Dont forget to write your post adress in your order.